Amazon CloudWatch Logs (logs)


9 new actions


  • DeleteIndexPolicy
    • Description:  Grants permission to delete an index policy attached to a log group
    • Access:  Write
  • DeleteTransformer
    • Description:  Grants permission to delete a transformer associated with the specified log group
    • Access:  Write
    • Resources: 

      Name: log-group

      Required: Yes

  • DescribeFieldIndexes
    • Description:  Grants permission to return all the indexing attributes that are attached with the log groups
    • Access:  List
  • DescribeIndexPolicies
    • Description:  Grants permission to return all the index policies that are attached with the log groups
    • Access:  List
  • GetTransformer
    • Description:  Grants permission to return transformer associated with the specified log group
    • Access:  Read
    • Resources: 

      Name: log-group

      Required: Yes

  • ListLogGroupsForQuery
    • Description:  Grants permission to return all the log groups that are associated with the specified query
    • Access:  List
  • PutIndexPolicy
    • Description:  Grants permission to attach an index policy at log group level to optimize search and query
    • Access:  Write
  • PutTransformer
    • Description:  Grants permission to create or update a transformer and associates it with the specified log group
    • Access:  Write
    • Resources: 

      Name: log-group

      Required: Yes

  • TestTransformer
    • Description:  Grants permission to test the transformer against a sample of log event messages
    • Access:  Read