Amazon Resource Group Tagging API (tag)


8 updated actions


  • DescribeReportCreation
    • Old: Describe the status of the StartReportCreation operation.
      New: Grants permission to describe the status of the StartReportCreation operation
  • GetComplianceSummary
    • Old: Get a table that shows counts of resources that are noncompliant with their effective tag policies.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve a summary of how many resources are noncompliant with their effective tag policies
  • GetResources
    • Old: Get tagged AWS resources that match the given tag filters
      New: Grants permission to return tagged or previously tagged resources in the specified AWS Region for the calling account
  • GetTagKeys
    • Old: Get all tagKeys for the account in the specific region
      New: Grants permission to returns tag keys currently in use in the specified AWS Region for the calling account
  • GetTagValues
    • Old: Get all tagValues for the account in the specific region
      New: Grants permission to return tag values for the specified key that are used in the specified AWS Region for the calling account
  • StartReportCreation
    • Old: Generate a report that lists all tagged resources in accounts across your organization, and whether each resource is compliant with the effective tag policy.
      New: Grants permission to start generating a report listing all tagged resources in accounts across your organization, and whether each resource is compliant with the effective tag policy
  • TagResources
    • Old: Add tags to AWS resources
      New: Grants permission to apply one or more tags to the specified resources
  • UntagResources
    • Old: Remove tags from AWS resources
      New: Grants permission to remove the specified tags from the specified resources