Old: Grants permission to list the Amazon EKS add-ons in your AWS account (in the specified or default region) for a given cluster New: Grants permission to list the Amazon EKS add-ons in your AWSaccount (in the specified or default region) for a given cluster
Old: Grants permission to list the Amazon EKS clusters in your AWS account (in the specified or default region) New: Grants permission to list the Amazon EKS clusters in your AWSaccount (in the specified or default region)
Old: Grants permission to list the AWS Fargate profiles in your AWS account (in the specified or default region) associated with a given cluster New: Grants permission to list the AWS Fargate profiles in your AWSaccount (in the specified or default region) associated with a given cluster
Old: Grants permission to list the Idp configs in your AWS account (in the specified or default region) associated with a given cluster New: Grants permission to list the Idp configs in your AWSaccount (in the specified or default region) associated with a given cluster
Old: Grants permission to list the Amazon EKS nodegroups in your AWS account (in the specified or default region) attached to given cluster New: Grants permission to list the Amazon EKS nodegroups in your AWSaccount (in the specified or default region) attached to given cluster