AWS WAF V2 (wafv2)


42 updated actions, 1 updated condition


  • AssociateWebACL
    • Old: Grants permission to associate a WebACL with a resource.
      New: Grants permission to associate a WebACL with a resource
  • CheckCapacity
    • Old: Grants permission to calculate web ACL capacity unit (WCU) requirements for a specified scope and set of rules.
      New: Grants permission to calculate web ACL capacity unit (WCU) requirements for a specified scope and set of rules
  • CreateIPSet
    • Old: Grants permission to create an IPSet.
      New: Grants permission to create an IPSet
  • CreateRegexPatternSet
    • Old: Grants permission to create a RegexPatternSet.
      New: Grants permission to create a RegexPatternSet
  • CreateRuleGroup
    • Old: Grants permission to create a RuleGroup.
      New: Grants permission to create a RuleGroup
  • CreateWebACL
    • Old: Grants permission to create a WebACL.
      New: Grants permission to create a WebACL
  • DeleteFirewallManagerRuleGroups
    • Old: Grants permission to delete specified FirewallManagedRulesGroups from the specified WebACL if not managed by Firewall Manager anymore.
      New: Grants permission to delete FirewallManagedRulesGroups from a WebACL if not managed by Firewall Manager anymore
  • DeleteIPSet
    • Old: Grants permission to delete the specified IPSet.
      New: Grants permission to delete an IPSet
  • DeleteLoggingConfiguration
    • Old: Grants permission to delete the LoggingConfiguration from the specified WebACL.
      New: Grants permission to delete the LoggingConfiguration from a WebACL
  • DeletePermissionPolicy
    • Old: Grants permission to delete the PermissionPolicy on the specified RuleGroup.
      New: Grants permission to delete the PermissionPolicy on a RuleGroup
  • DeleteRegexPatternSet
    • Old: Grants permission to delete the specified RegexPatternSet.
      New: Grants permission to delete a RegexPatternSet
  • DeleteRuleGroup
    • Old: Grants permission to delete the specified RuleGroup.
      New: Grants permission to delete a RuleGroup
  • DeleteWebACL
    • Old: Grants permission to delete the specified WebACL.
      New: Grants permission to delete a WebACL
  • DescribeManagedRuleGroup
    • Old: Grants permission to view high-level information for a managed rule group.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve high-level information for a managed rule group
  • DisassociateFirewallManager
    • Old: Grants permission to disassociate Firewall Manager from the specified WebACL.
      New: Grants permission to disassociate Firewall Manager from a WebACL
  • DisassociateWebACL
    • Old: Grants permission disassociate a WebACL from an application resource.
      New: Grants permission disassociate a WebACL from an application resource
  • GetIPSet
    • Old: Grants permission to view details about the specified IPSet.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve details about an IPSet
  • GetLoggingConfiguration
    • Old: Grants permission to view LoggingConfiguration about the specified WebACL.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve LoggingConfiguration for a WebACL
  • GetPermissionPolicy
    • Old: Grants permission to view PermissionPolicy on the specified RuleGroup.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve a PermissionPolicy for a RuleGroup
  • GetRateBasedStatementManagedKeys
    • Old: Grants permission to view the keys that are currently blocked by a rate-based rule.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve the keys that are currently blocked by a rate-based rule
  • GetRegexPatternSet
    • Old: Grants permission to view details about the specified RegexPatternSet.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve details about a RegexPatternSet
  • GetRuleGroup
    • Old: Grants permission to view details about the specified RuleGroup.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve details about a RuleGroup
  • GetSampledRequests
    • Old: Grants permission to view detailed information about a specified number of requests--a sample--that AWS WAF randomly selects from among the first 5,000 requests that your AWS resource received during a time range that you choose.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve detailed information about a sampling of web requests
  • GetWebACL
    • Old: Grants permission to view details about the specified GetWebACL.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve details about a WebACL
  • GetWebACLForResource
    • Old: Grants permission to view the WebACL for the specified resource.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve the WebACL that's associated with a resource
  • ListAvailableManagedRuleGroups
    • Old: Grants permission to view an array of managed rule groups that are available for you to use.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve an array of managed rule groups that are available for you to use
  • ListIPSets
    • Old: Grants permission to view an array of IPSetSummary objects for the IP sets that you manage.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve an array of IPSetSummary objects for the IP sets that you manage
  • ListLoggingConfigurations
    • Old: Grants permission to view an array of your LoggingConfiguration objects.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve an array of your LoggingConfiguration objects
  • ListRegexPatternSets
    • Old: Grants permission to view an array of RegexPatternSetSummary objects for the regex pattern sets that you manage.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve an array of RegexPatternSetSummary objects for the regex pattern sets that you manage
  • ListResourcesForWebACL
    • Old: Grants permission to view an array of the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the resources that are associated with the specified web ACL.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve an array of the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the resources that are associated with a web ACL
  • ListRuleGroups
    • Old: Grants permission to view an array of RuleGroupSummary objects for the rule groups that you manage.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve an array of RuleGroupSummary objects for the rule groups that you manage
  • ListTagsForResource
    • Old: Grants permission to lists tag for the specified resource.
      New: Grants permission to list tags for a resource
  • ListWebACLs
    • Old: Grants permission to view an array of WebACLSummary objects for the web ACLs that you manage.
      New: Grants permission to retrieve an array of WebACLSummary objects for the web ACLs that you manage
  • PutFirewallManagerRuleGroups
    • Old: Grants permission to create FirewallManagedRulesGroups in the specified WebACL.
      New: Grants permission to create FirewallManagedRulesGroups in a WebACL
  • PutLoggingConfiguration
    • Old: Grants permission to enables the specified LoggingConfiguration, to start logging from a web ACL.
      New: Grants permission to enable a LoggingConfiguration, to start logging for a web ACL
  • PutPermissionPolicy
    • Old: Grants permission to attach the specified IAM policy to the specified resource. The only supported use for this action is to share a RuleGroup across accounts.
      New: Grants permission to attach an IAM policy to a resource, used to share rule groups between accounts
  • TagResource
    • Old: Grants permission to associates tags with the specified AWS resource.
      New: Grants permission to associate tags with a AWS resource
  • UntagResource
    • Old: Grants permission to disassociates tags from an AWS resource.
      New: Grants permission to disassociate tags from an AWS resource
  • UpdateIPSet
    • Old: Grants permission to update the specified IPSet.
      New: Grants permission to update an IPSet
  • UpdateRegexPatternSet
    • Old: Grants permission to update the specified RegexPatternSet.
      New: Grants permission to update a RegexPatternSet
  • UpdateRuleGroup
    • Old: Grants permission to update the specified RuleGroup.
      New: Grants permission to update a RuleGroup
  • UpdateWebACL
    • Old: Grants permission to update the specified WebACL.
      New: Grants permission to update a WebACL
  • aws:ResourceTag/${TagKey}
    • Old: Filters actions based on tag-value assoicated with the resource
      New: Filters actions based on tag-value associated with the resource